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DELTA. Defining the difference.

DELTA  has  been  a  highly  specialised  drive  engineering supplier for more than ten years, with a particular focus on torque limiters, overload clutches, torsionally fexible shaft couplings and torsional couplings. 

A  process  of  continuous  improvement  ensures  the  re- liability and durability of our high-quality products. Our collaboration with reputable research institutes not only provides  a  solid  basis  for  our  high  innovative  strength, but  also  allows  the  company  to  continuously  expand the safety and application range of DELTA products. Our product  portfolio  is  rounded  of  by  made-to-order and customised  products  constructed  in  accordance  with customer  requirements,  and  we  also  collaborate  with our  clients  to  develop  exclusive  new  types  of  coupling. Please contact us if you are interested in our DELTA Engineering Programme (DEP) – we will be glad to advise you.

Our commercial  thoughts  and  actions  are  oriented  to- wards the needs of small- and medium-sized companies, which is refected in the simplicity of our price quotation procedure, our fast reaction time, our excellent service and the outstanding cost/performance ratio that charac- terises our products.  

Please feel free to contact us at any time if you have a question about our product range. We can provide sup- port  and  advice  on  any  application-specifc  issues  that may arise during the development and project phase.

DELTA direct contact

DELTA Antriebstechnik GmbH
Moltkestraße 25
42799 Leichlingen
+ 49 2175 - 88 41 84
+ 49 2175 - 88 41 85

DELTA Products

frictional overload protection

frictionally engaged overload protection for shaft-to-shaft connections 

Backlash-free overload system in ratcheting or synchronous version